Monday, June 11, 2012

We're Married!

It's been a crazy - but amazing - couple of weeks!

Since I feel bad that I haven't posted ANYTHING, I want to put together a quick entry and potentially go back and write more in detail.

The wedding day was perfect. The temperature only reached a high of 81 degrees, and that's unheard of in Phoenix over Memorial Day weekend. I'm convinced that Mike was up there by the thermostat, making sure that it was just the right temperature.  All the details came together just as we had hoped, and I really think people had a whole lot of fun.

I had been warned that the day would fly by, but I'm proud of us for being able to step back a few times throughout the day to look around and take it all in. That was Mal's suggestion to Patrick, and I would definitely pass on the advice to anyone about to get married.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the wedding day:

After the wedding of our dreams on Saturday, we spent Sunday and most of Monday with our family and friends. Then, we left for Jamaica on Monday night! Even though it was a little different than we had expected, we had an amazing time together and got some great pictures from the trip.

I have to admit that it makes me sad that I don't have a huge party and trip to plan!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

It's the Wedding Week!

It's just about 5am, and I'm wide awake! I've been sending emails to multiple vendors to make sure we have the main timeline set for the day. It seems as though their specific timelines weren't shared (like I was told would happen), so I'm making sure everyone's on the same page. It's a little more difficult than I thought b/c each vendor (photographer and DJ specifically) ideally wants everything to work out in their best interest, but there's only so much time, and I'm set on not paying for more time at this point. I'm sure everything will work out great in the end though... Crossing fingers.

It's kind of a crazy feeling knowing that both sets of parents are going to be getting into Phoenix this morning at some point. I feel like it'll be just a blink until we're actually at the wedding ceremony/reception.It's not that I didn't think this day would ever come... It's just that we've been planning it for a year now, and we could always say, "There's plenty of time," "It's a ways off," etc. We can't really say that now!

Now that I'm up, I figure I'll hop in the shower and go into the office so I can use the binding machine to make the wedding info packets for our guests.

Heeere weeee gooo!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Keep it Up, Mother Nature

I'm kind of amazed... I just checked the weather (again), and I've refreshed the screen a number of times to make sure it wasn't an error. When I posted on Friday, the forecast was saying the rehearsal dinner and wedding days were supposed to be 101. The latest update is saying 98 for Friday and NINETY-ONE for our wedding day!

I'm knocking on wood that it continues, but that's a change of ten whole degrees and is still a 0% chance of rain. Incredible!

On Saturday, I had my dress fitting and hair trial. When I tried on the dress, it felt fantastic. All the little changes have made my dress exactly how I want it. Janet is just fixing a couple tiny things, and I'll pick up the dress on Thursday. The hair trial went MUCH better than the initial trial. I wasn't really sure what to expect with the hair extensions, but I was happily surprised. They clipped in and didn't bother me at all. It added a solid 4 inches when straight, and added a few inches even when curled. I'm sooo excited to see the whole look together.

I could keep writing, but I'm exhausted and need to get to sleep for my last two days of work before my 2-week vacation. Goodnight!

- Lisa

Friday, May 18, 2012

My Crafty Evening

Since tonight was a kickball night and I didn't want to risk getting hurt a week before the wedding, I allowed myself a relaxing night at home, and in addition to catching up on the latest episodes of 'Say Yes to the Dress,' I got a few wedding projects out of the way!

First, I made the cupcake picks... One color for each of the flavors:

Then, I made a couple directional signs featuring our little Flower Dog & Ring Dog. Here's one of them:

Overall, I'd say it was a very productive night!

- Lisa

Escort Cards: Finished

The escort cards are finally finished! I had decided that stapling the green tabs to the base of the names would work well, but that genius idea didn't work exactly as planned... and apparently, stapling both of your thumbs (at the same time) REALLY hurts! Patrick just laughed at me when I walked into the bedroom sucking both thumbs haha.

The tabs are actually lime green, and the foam bases are black

Besides for that little hiccup, the assembly went smoothly. I decided to push each staple into the foam base by hand, so after 220-ish staples (2 each + a few that I messed up and had to fix), my fingers are pretty sore.

My hair is now definitely blonde... no question about that! Because it's so much lighter than it had been (I hadn't dyed my hair in at least a year), I keep looking at every mirror/window when I walk by. It's a very fun change!

We get our French doors installed tomorrow. They got delivered today, so we just need the installers to show up during their scheduled time frame.

Saturday, I have both my final dress fitting (at noon) and hair trial (at 2). I think the reality that the wedding is almost here will hit me when I have the dress on with my hair blonder.

We're down to single digits, and that means the 10-day forecast shows the expected weather for the wedding weekend. I'm THRILLED to see that we're at 0% chance of rain for both Friday and Saturday at this point. The average high is 94, so we're definitely higher than average, but I'll take hot over rain for a wedding day (and outdoor rehearsal dinner) any day.

Before I go to sleep, I have to give Patrick credit for the gorgeous red roses + baby's breath he gave me. It was such a sweet thought, and the note "I can't wait to be your husband," topped it off. He's amazing, and (yes, you can gag if needed lol) I'm still not sure how I got so lucky.

- Lisa

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Baby Explosion!

Last night, we went to see Will and Adrienne, and we got to meet their 5 day old little girl named Addison.

Patrick & Addison
The Lloyd Family

Patrick and I got to hold her for a little bit, and she's sooo sweet. Will & Adrienne seen to be doing really well with her, and she's doing well with them, too ;).

On the subject of babies, a few members of our wedding party have had some exciting news over the last few months.We're so excited that both Mandy & Mal -and- Kate & Mike are expecting a little addition to their families later this year! Mandy is due is October, and Kate is due in November. I mentioned a few months ago that Lindsey is pregnant, so yes... that means that HALF of my bridesmaids are pregnant!

It's going to be an exciting upcoming year!

- Lisa

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Lesson'ed Out

We had our final dance lesson tonight, and I have to admit that I'm proud of how far we've gone since our first lesson. We've learned two types of dances (rumba and foxtrot), and somewhere around 10 different steps/moves to go along with those. I think that we should practice putting the choreography together to make sure it flows, but we're really close to being set!

For all the other lessons, I had worn flats, but tonight was the debut of my ridiculously high (and very sparkly) wedding shoes. They worked out better than I expected! They're a little bit slippery, but that can be fixed.

Patrick really impressed me with how quickly he picked up the moves (especially with the lacking communication of our instructor). I'm so lucky!

- Lisa