Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Yep... It's Another Shoe Update

In doing research on making strassed shoes, I read that it took some people 30+ hours to finish their shoes. After going through my 4,320 crystals, my question to those people is: WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG?!

I apparently FLEW through the process of decorating these shoes. I'd say it took maaaaybe 10 hours, but even that # is pushing it, and the time went by fast b/c there was a movie or tv on the whole time.

Unfortunately, I ran out of crystals just before I finished... but I only have to finish decorating the part of the straps that surround the buckle. No problem: I can just pick some similar crystals up at Michaels!

The latest picture update is to the right:

Because these 4-inch heels are probably going to kill my feet after a while - and b/c I don't want to break/sprain an ankle while trying to dance in them - I have plans for a pair of reception shoes, too... and those were started tonight!

In order to prevent the glitter from getting everywhere, I used a thin pink glitter and fabric glue that said it would stay flexible after drying to made a paste, and then that paste was painted on a pair of comfortable flats. The shoes still need some work b/c the paste needs to be applied smoothly and they need a couple more coats, but my vision is coming together. Even though it looks like there are multiple pink colors in the picture, it's only b/c it's still wet.

It's so much fun to be allowed (and encouraged!) to make my outfit for our big celebration 'ME'! Can you tell I'm still loving this whole process?!


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