Friday, October 21, 2011

A Half Marathon?!

Yes, that's right: Patrick and I signed up for the Arizona Half Marathon on February 25th, 2012.

I'm excited at the thought of having a goal to work towards, and I think that this is an ideal time to train for a half marathon. Patrick has mentioned a few times that he'd like to get back into running, and I want to continue getting into better shape and toning up for the wedding.

Now, let me point out the reasons I'm also terrified... ;) I've never really been someone who enjoys running; I've joked around with people that the only way I'm able to run is if I'm distracted with a basketball, soccer ball, etc and don't realize I'm running ;). Patrick keeps telling me that I'll gain a new appreciation for how relaxing ("RELAXING"?!) running can be, and is convinced I'll start to really enjoy it. We'll see on that... lol. Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of my Achilles surgery, and it's crazy to think that a year ago, I wasn't able to even WALK. I'd say that I'm back to about 100%, but it still scares me to push myself too far b/c my Achilles ruptured while I was standing still (in the last minute of an alumni basketball game); I do NOT want to go through that surgery again.

It's a huge commitment, and yes, I'm scared, but I think that it's something that both of us can work towards - and achieve - together.

Still, I'm going back and forth between the reactions of, "I can do this," and "Are you freaking kidding me?! What did I get myself into?" Yikes!

- Lisa

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