Sunday, October 9, 2011

Working Out for the Wedding

Weight is always a touchy subject - especially for females in general - and even more for women trying to look the best they've ever looked for their wedding. In writing a blog entry on this subject, I want to start it off by saying that I'm not trying to say I'm fat. Don't worry... I don't have unrealistic expectations; I'm above the weight I feel comfortable, and I'm just trying to make myself healthier in general!

When I graduated from college, I went from being a college athlete - who worked out every day and could eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted - to working in the sports industry with really long hours. When I got home, the last thing I wanted to do was work out, and I wanted to eat the first/easiest thing available. I did a good job of not letting myself get too out-of-control, but over the 5.5 years of working at the arena, I gained about 10 pounds total. I still felt ok with how I looked, and I think those extra few pounds are to be expected in that much of a change!

A year ago, I tore my achilles which led to me not being able to work out (or even walk for a while) for months. I gained 10-15 pounds over that time, and I was way above where I felt comfortable. I didn't feel the same in my favorite clothes, and I didn't like how I looked in pictures. Getting engaged was the best motivation to lose that weight I could imagine ;).

Over the last five months, I've tried to focus on eating healthy (well, at least "healthier") and working out more than I had been. Patrick has been great about helping to get healthier meals and becoming more active. For example, we went on a 4.5 mile hike yesterday, and according to our heart rate monitors, each of us burned over 1,000 calories! We go on walks with the dogs, and he got a treadmill that's been helpful, too. In order to keep my sanity, I've realized that there have to be 'splurge days,' and we still have our favorite meals from time to time and also go out for drinks with friends... just not as often as we did before.

I admit that I've gotten frustrated at times because I want the change to be IMMEDIATE, and it's a slow process (especially b/c I'm trying to make changes slowly so they can be maintained). I've really been feeling better lately though, and I'm proud to say I've lost the 10-15 pounds that I gained after my surgery!

I would like to get down to the same weight I was in college (which was actually the same as it was in high school - I was just more toned in college). That's the goal, and weight training will definitely be a part of that process. Hey, I gotta get my back/shoulders/arms to look stunning in my dress! ;). For now, it's moving in the right direction!

- Lisa

1 comment:

  1. You are beautiful and will be an incredibly stunning bride on your wedding day.
