Here's the breakdown:
8:30am: Patrick decides it's time for me to WAKE UP. I tried the 'pretend to be sleeping' idea from yesterday... No luck; he didn't fall for it.
9:00am: We leave for ACE Hardware to get a wheelbarrow and another shovel. Necessary stop at QT to get coffee and a bite to eat for breakfast.
9:45am: Arrive at Patrick's house ready to move some rock. Patrick loads the rocks into the wheelbarrow and brought them to the backyard where I shovel/rake the rock into place.
The progress at lunchtime |
1:35pm: With tired muscles, we decide it's time to take a break for lunch.We escape to Gallagher's for their awesome baked buffalo wings.
2:45pm: Return to work. Reassume the same positions in front- and back yard.
4:00pm: Finish covering the backyard with rock... only to realize we have a lot of rock left. Time to re-distribute the rock on layer 2 (and eventually 3).
5:20pm: Sun sets and it starts to get dark. We move three of the boulders to the backyard using a dolly and a lot of determination ;). With the deep layers of rock, that definitely wasn't an easy task b/c the wheels sunk in much more then we expected. I tell Patrick I'm really close to being done.
The backyard at the end of the day |
5:45pm: I'm FINISHED - mentally and physically. We sat down on a couple of the boulders, and I admit to Patrick that I'm so exhausted that I felt like I could just start crying for no reason. He laughs. I assure him I'm not joking. He smartly stops laughing. I give him a kiss for understanding.
6:05pm: We call to order Chinese food b/c it was the only thing we can think of (other than pizza) that would deliver - and not make us move from the couch.
6:55pm: Chinese food arrives... finally. Sooo good.
7:30pm: After Patrick takes a shower, I decide I want to take a hot bath to help my muscles. It feels fantastic.
7:45pm: We agree that we deserve to go get massages after we finish putting out the rock tomorrow (!!!).
Now: Time to relax. We just put in the new Smurfs movie, and even though I got it (and another movie) from redbox yesterday, not having to leave the house is definitely worth the couple dollars for another night's rental.
I tried to take a picture of the latest (small) pile of rock, but it was dark and raining by the time I got outside. I'll take a picture tomorrow when it's light out.
Patrick was incredible; I realize he probably had the tougher job (I helped him load the wheelbarrow from time to time, so I know it was tiring). Today, more than ever, I realize how lucky I am to have him. He loves me for
me, accepts - and gets along really well with - my friends/family, brings out the best in me and is an incredible partner in any challenge/project we face. I know
for a fact that not everyone is as lucky. Even though my muscles might be sore tonight, I'll sleep well just knowing that.