Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Firepit Looks HOT

We finished this weekend with potentially the biggest one-time progress so far. 20,000 pounds of rock was transferred and distributed into the backyard, eight (50-300 lb) boulders were brought into place, the wok bowl for the firepit was moved into place and the firepit was assembled. We even had our first fire! It's 45 degrees out, so I admit that I didn't last long outside, but we know it works!

Our friend Charpei came over this morning to help finish off the pile of rock, and we were able to get through it pretty quickly. She and I also raked/thatched the lawn, and it's now ready to be reseeded. Patrick's friend Aaron came over to help set up the firepit. He's the one who put together the plans for the backyard and has been amazing with helping with referrals/suggestions/etc. I'm happy to say that he took the LoveSac (the gigantic foam-filled bean bag) with him as a 'thank you' for all his help; his son is going to ADORE that thing. It was such a comfortable piece of furniture, but the living room looks much more spacious without the 6ft bag in the corner.

The firepit is definitely functional, but it's not to the point where Patrick is satisfied. He still wants to find a place that has large pieces of lava rock. Right now, the bowl is filled with 3 bags of sand covered by 3 bags of small lava rock. Once he gets the big lava rock pieces, the small pieces will be laid out to cover the sand, and the big rock will completely cover the metal ring. Apparently that'll make the fire dance more and it'll look more natural (as compared to seeing the places where the gas comes out of the metal ring).

Our massages were well-deserved, and we splurged and went to Delux Burger for dinner tonight. It's not the most healthy place (partly b/c we can't pass up their sweet potato fries), but I think we worked hard enough this weekend to burn the calories to make up for it.

As far as wedding stuff we accomplished this weekend, we've been working on tying up the loose ends we haven't finalized. We sent an email to set up a meeting with a member of the strings group (guitar/violin) for the ceremony, emailed the owner of Aldea to set up the decorations meeting (centerpieces, linens, flowers, etc) and we have a couple new ideas about an officiant for the wedding. Hopefully those ideas will be definite and revealed soon.

ALSO, it's probably a long shot, but I sent an email to the TV station TLC to apply for their show 'Four Weddings.' If you haven't heard of the show, it features four weddings (thus the name), and the other three brides attend as guests. They rate each others' weddings based on dress, venue, food and overall experience; then, the bride who has the highest score wins a free honeymoon trip. I read that they're searching for 2012 brides who are getting married in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, so I thought I'd kick myself if I didn't at least reach out to the casting people. Someone on message boards said they're only looking for weddings until April 2012, so we'll see if I hear back and if they want to move us to the next step. My mindset is that if it's meant to be, it'll happen! If not, that's one less thing to stress about on the big day.

Overall, it was an amazingly productive weekend, and now it's time for me to relax.


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