Tuesday, November 8, 2011

200 DAYS

It seems like I JUST posted "250 DAYS" entry; these last 50 days have flown by!

Over the weekend, Patrick and I spent a few hours reseeding the front yard and working on the backyard. Patrick mowed the grass short while I worked on pulling out all the weeds around the dirt area (partially thanks to Target's clearance section and their reduced-price $1.48 gardening tools!). Patrick actually had to cut down the big tumbleweed-ish weed to the right with a saw, but the rest of the pile was the amount I destroyed!

Last night, he finished reseeding the backyard. Now that the weather is cooling off, I'm hoping we can really start to make a dent in the backyard landscaping progress, and hopefully the inside of the house will be finished with the renovations ASAP. It's been a slower process than we'd hoped, but it's slowly getting there.


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