Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Countertopless No More

That title makes me laugh for some reason, but I wanted to put a few pictures up... NOW THAT WE HAVE COUNTERTOPS!

Close-up of the granite
The granite looks sooo good; there are flecks throughout that really catch the light and actually kind of sparkle. Patrick saw the beginning of the installation, and he really liked it; I can't wait for him to get back to his house and see the finished product. In the meantime, every window in the house is open (and every fan is on) b/c the fumes from the caulk are ridiculously strong. Whew.

Hopefully the kitchen will continue to change in the next week or so - b/c we've posted the white appliances for sale on Craigslist. There's a guy who's interested in the set who should be coming this weekend to check them out. Cross your fingers!

We're planning on using the $ we made in the garage sale (which was a huge success) and the $ we make on these appliances to go towrds replacing the white appliances with black appliances (the dishwasher Patrick bought a few months ago is black). We'll probably move my black, french-door, bottom-freezer refrigerator to Patrick's house and get a simple, not-expensive black refrigerator for my house since I'll be renting it out.

We've also posted all of our couches for sale and have had some bites; just waiting for the right person who wants to get them at the right price! We're also working on the little details: ex. switching out the gold doorknobs with silver ones.

The plumber is here right now installing the sink's faucet and garbage disposal. The carpet is being installed tomorrow, and I can confidently say that it feels like the house is finally coming together. HALLELUJAH!!



  1. Kitchen looks incredible. It will be worth all of the aggravation in the long run.
