Wednesday, February 29, 2012

91 Down, 91 to Go.

Today at lunch, I realized that i hadn't logged onto in a while to check off items on the 'to do' list. I felt so accomplished as I was checking off item after item. After I was finished with the completed items, it looked like this:

Yep; we've officially completed half of the items on the list: 91 down, 91 to go! All of the big things have been taken care of, and the remaining 91 tasks are little things or reminders to follow up (etc).

Not actual size of a game ball
Ever since last night, I've had the song that goes "All I do is win, win win, no matter what..." in my head, haha. We had our kickball championship last night, and for the fourth straight season, we won, and that song was played as soon as the championship game was over. We'll be taking the next season off from our Tuesday night games, so this was a great way to go out on top. Patrick did a great job pitching (he alternated innings with Will), and I had fun behind the plate. In the competitive leagues, the catcher runs out on the kicker's heels and is there to scoop up the ball on a bunt. From there, the catcher either throws it to 1st base, or (in most cases) quickly tips the ball up to the 3rd baseman or pitcher to be thrown to 1st. It was definitely a challenge, and I loved it because I got to be in the middle of the action (imagine that lol). We've signed up for a Friday night team, so we'll get to start playing with them next week.

Each day this week, I've come home to a present from the registry waiting for me. I could DEFINITELY get used to this! We leave for St. Louis on Friday, and since the trip is going to be such a whirlwind trip, I need to rest up. Off to bed for me!

- Lisa

Sunday, February 26, 2012

More Cleveland Shower Pictures

Since I didn't take many pictures during the trip to Cleveland, I'm having to rely on others for their best shots. Nell recently posted some of the pictures from the shower on facebook (she gets full credit for these pics), and I figured I needed to add them to the blog... with potentially more to come!

- Lisa

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Full 360

My bib number was 360, and I think it was completely appropriate. A year ago, I was doing my best to just be able to jog. Period. It was a huge step when I slowly jogged one lap around my neighborhood, and Patrick has been amazing in helping me get back to 100% since then. At no point in my life before that (or during the recovery) did I think I would EVER finish a half-marathon. Today's finish in about 2 hours and 49 minutes proved that I could do it! The 360 represents the amount of work I've put in to get back to - and PAST 100%.

I'm so proud of the medal saying we finished the race. It wasn't easy, and there were multiple times during the race that I questioned if I could get to 13.1 miles (including thinking both of my calves were going to cramp up with a mile left), but we did it!!

I didn't feel so hot afterwards. Patrick wanted to get a big burger afterwards, so we went to Red Robin. My nauseous feeling went away after eating some fries dipped in baja ranch, but I wasn't able to even get close to finishing my burger (I think I took 3 bites). My body was so confused about why I made it go 13.2 miles and then I was trying to put food I wasn't used to eating. Maybe I'll be able to eat it later. My big toes are good, but I'm pretty sure every other toe has a blister on it. 8 miles had been my longest run previously, so I guess that's to be expected!

The starting line

Tired - but proud - finishers

One of our very cool medals

Now, I'm off to a much-awaited nap followed by some celebratory drinks and relaxing in our new hammock (that Patrick is going to put together later) and sitting by the firepit!

- Lisa

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Race is in the Morning

When I picked up our registration packets, I couldn't help but get nervous butterflies. I admit I felt a little bit resentful/jealous of the two girls with bouncing ponytails who were walking in to check-in at the same time I was. They seemed so excited about the race, and all I could feel was nerves.

My dad has always told me to visualize the result I wanted to achieve; when I did it, I'd be able to know how to handle a situation when it happened. Driving home, I couldn't help but visualize crossing the finish line and the pride I would feel at that moment. I teared up with emotion and was overwhelmed just thinking about it. Part of that reason is because I've wanted to do the race in Mike's memory, and that got me. With my reaction when I was just visualizing it, I'm not sure how I'll actually react.

Cross your fingers for us, and I'll be posting an update after the race. Time to get a few hours sleep before Patrick gets home... Well, at least I hope I can sleep!


Thursday, February 23, 2012

We Chose Our Baker

That's right, the final major item has been checked off the list!

After a long process of weighing the options and going back & forth, we decided to go with Tiffany's Cakes & More, the original baker we met with. She's been FANTASTIC about communication, customer service and just trying to make us happy in general. That means so much to me, and as compared to the second baker option (who took more than a WEEK to respond when I asked her for a quote - and then didn't even include the quote in her response), it's very obvious that she cares about her customers and will do whatever is needed to make them happy.

She sent a picture of the cupcake stand she constructed and used for the last wedding. The teal color is similar to our color, and I think it will look even better in our colors.

One of the things I really like about Tiffany is that instead of saving the top layer of the cake for the first anniversary, she'll remake the cake for us at the one-year mark. I like the general idea of that tradition, but I wonder how stale the cake would taste after a year! This way, we get to look forward to having a kind of flashback to our wedding on our anniversary.

On another exciting note, my cousin (and Matron of Honor) Lindsey announced today that she and Luke will be expecting their 3rd little one in October. Logan and Gavin are adorable, and Lindsey/Luke are great parents. I'm so happy for them!

- Lisa

Mission Accomplished

In April (a few weeks before Patrick proposed), I had hit a low - by hitting a new high in weight. It was 6 months after my Achilles surgery, and I had gained somewhere around 15-20 lbs through my recovery. Add that to the weight I had gained little by little over the 6 years after college, and I was not a happy camper.

That's when I started slowly working on losing it again. I set a goal to get back to my college basketball weight: which would mean losing 28 pounds. As of Wednesday, I HIT MY GOAL! The picture is just one I found online, but it's actually how I've been feeling (and I do have pants that look like that now!). I've gone from having to find my one pair of jeans that fit because they were the biggest pair I had - to having to find the one pair of jeans that fit b/c they're the smallest. I've been feeling great and finally seeing the major results I've been working so hard to achieve.

We're up to 30 "yes" RSVP's and down to 93 days. I really feel like I JUST posted the '100 days' post, and it's almost 10 days since then. That's one-tenth of the remaining time. If one of those goes this fast, holy cow the wedding will be here really soon!

Our race is this Saturday. I'm getting nervous because I tweaked my quad at kickball on Tuesday, and the other one has been hurting today. They need to get better - stat. Patrick gets back from training in Ohio late tomorrow night, and he's really looking forward to getting back in town and sleeping in his bed for the first time in more than a week. I'm just looking forward to getting him back in town!


Sunday, February 19, 2012

14 Guests and Counting

I had wondered when the invitations would start to arrive... Well, I got my answer pretty quickly, because we got our first RSVP on Friday evening: a little over 24 hours after I dropped the invitations at the post office.

The first people to RSVP were - drumroll - our friends, Will & Adrienne!

This picture is the 4 of us from a few months ago - when we made wine together as an early wedding present. That reminds me: the wine is probably ready; we need to call and check on that to see if it's ready to be bottled! They are expecting a little girl a few weeks before our wedding, so exciting things are in their near future, too.

We're up to 14 'Yes" RSVP's for the wedding, and I haven't received any emails/calls saying anyone is having issues RSVP'ing online. Phew; that's a relief, and it's exciting to get the emails saying we have new RSVP's and seeing who will be joining us!

- Lisa

Back From Cleveland

I'm exhausted after the trip, but the weekend in Cleveland was so much fun.

We started it off on a lucky note... Our flight included an hour-long layover in Vegas, and we decided to gamble with $5 at the airport. If we doubled the $, we'd cash out; if we got to zero, we wouldn't keep trying. My favorite game is the Wheel of Fortune slot machine, so we sat down at one and put in the $5. On the 3rd spin, we landed on SPIN and got to spin the Wheel of Fortune wheel. It landed on 200 - which I had to explain to Patrick meant 200 credits - aka $50! YESSSS. We cashed out immediately and are now even more excited about getting back to Vegas in 2 months. What can I say: we're pretty hardcore gamblers. ;)

We got into Ohio around 3:30 and after relaxing a while, had an amazing steak dinner with his parents, sister (Kate) and Uncle Pat at the Sweeney's house. After dinner, we met up with Sean, Shannon and some of their friends at one of Patrick's favorite local breweries. Even though I've only met Sean & Shannon a few times, they're so much fun that I feel like I've known them much longer.

The new addition to Kate & Mike's house
Since we were out late, we slept in and needed to get ready for the shower as soon as we woke up! Nell and Kate (& Maggie from a distance) hosted the shower at Kate's house, and the house looked great. Mike & Kate had added a new family room onto their house a little less than a year ago, and it was the perfect spot for getting everyone together.

The whole shower was full of special touches. The cupcakes were made in our wedding colors (and tasted delicious), they had a personalized plate for everyone to sign and my Aunt D even made a surprise appearance from Detroit.

I felt really comfortable because I had previously met almost everyone at the party; the only two who were "new" to me were Patrick's Aunt Chris and Nell's friend Sue. His Aunt Chris said it, but I agree: I felt like I've known them for a long time, and that this wasn't our first meeting. Not that it was a new thing with the Sweeney family, but I felt completely welcomed with open arms.

After the party, we met Maggie and Colin for dinner (about halfway to Detroit), because Maggie had a few events that she needed to work on Friday & Saturday. I'm so glad we were able to make that work and see them.

I think that I told everyone, but thanks to everyone in Cleveland (and Detroit) for an amazing first shower and overall weekend.

- Lisa

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Invitations are in the Mail!

Ladies and gentlemen, GET READY. With 100 days to go, the invitations have been dropped off at the post office and should be arriving in their respective mailboxes soon.

I was hoping for someone at the post office to share in my excitement and want to take a picture of me putting them in the mail, but as I looked around, everyone around seemed like they didn't care. Sad. I tried to take a picture of myself, but it didn't turn out well. This one will have to do:

I wonder how long they'll take to be delivered!

- Lisa

100 DAYS

I remember talking with Patrick just after midnight on January 1st about how we'd be getting married this year, and the time was going to fly by. Well, I can tell you that it definitely has been flying!

- Lisa

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Biggest Box Ever

Our favors came in the mail yesterday! They turned out fantastic, and I can't wait to hear what our guests have to say about them.

We got a GIGANTIC box in the mail today. Don't worry... We didn't open it, but I have to show a picture (with Chance as a size reference). Any guesses on what's inside... or anyone who wants to admit they sent it?! ;)

I've received a couple questions on if we've finalized the baker. Well, we're TRYING! I sent the 2nd baker (the one who's not been easy to work with but who has great-tasting cake) an email on Monday with my ideas for the cake & cupcakes. I asked for a quote and to make sure that she could carry out our ideas. I haven't heard back. She's been given a few chances so far, and if we still haven't heard by the time we get back from Cleveland, that'll be strike three & she'll be "O-U-D-T" = out.

The invitations are ready to go... complete with "L&P" stickers to help seal the envelopes. Knowing they're ready to be put in the mail makes me feel like this is really happening! Once they go out, it's REAL.

That makes me think back and get a little bit cheesy... Before I met Patrick, I always hoped - but also doubted - that I'd find the right guy for me. There are so many variables that have to work together for both people in couple, and I had no idea how it could match up perfectly. After going out with guys who didn't even get close to living up to the ideal guy I hoped I'd find, I often questioned if I was too independent and was meant to be single. That changed with my tall redhead. Since our first date, Patrick & my relationship has amazed me at how easy it has been. That might sound strange if you know the last few years for us. Don't get me wrong; we've definitely been through some of the toughest times I could imagine, but we've stood strong together and have been there for each other whenever we've needed. I'm so excited for that to continue and to see what our future holds...


Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing Dress-up With Makeup

After work today, I headed to the mall with the intention to get some new makeup. Even though I know my cousin Katie said she'd try out some different looks when I go to St. Louis (in two and a half weeks), I couldn't wait! I had a girl at MAC give me some suggestions and try out some colors... This was my favorite:

I wound up getting a couple of the colors and plan on bringing them back to St. Louis in two and a half weeks to have Katie play around with them (and potentially other colors, too). Since I liked the way the MAC girl did the makeup, I'm looking forward to seeing what it'll look like once Katie does it and once we put on false eyelashes - should be even prettier! She may even have some better ideas. I still need to figure out what to do with my lips... I'll be the first to admit that they're thin, so I want them to stand out without drawing much attention. No dark lipstick for me. Hopefully Katie and my Aunt Connie will have some suggestions (if they're reading this: hint, hint)... ;)

- Lisa

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Cleveland Wedding Shower

While I'm on the subject of the shower, I have to show how cute the invitations are for the Cleveland wedding shower (with the address/phone number edited out)... LOVE them:

Crazy to think that we'll be leaving next Friday for Ohio!


We Got Our First Registry Gifts in the Mail!

About an hour ago, I was finishing decorating the invitation envelopes when we got a knock on the door. My new best friend, the FedEx guy, had dropped off a huge box from Bed Bath and Beyond. It took me a couple of seconds of staring at the box to figure it out, but it was our first present from our registry!

He was as excited as I was!
Patrick and I weren't sure if we should open the box, but after a quick discussion, we decided to go for it! I give total props (and thanks!) to Patrick's Aunt Marie and cousins Candice, Kerri and Jackie... Their shower gifts TOTALLY made my day/week! Now I think I can officially become excited to come home and see if there are any new packages waiting at the front door... So. freaking. exciting!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Favors, Programs & Invitations

There are a few main things I've been focusing on the last couple days, and some big updates come along with that focus:

Over the last few months, Patrick and I have known what we want our favors for the reception to be, but we've been waiting to find the right vendor and the right design... We finally found both! I ordered those today, but you'll have to wait until the reception to find out what the favors are. I'm thinking they should be finished and delivered in the next couple weeks and am really excited to see them.

The layout is completely put together. I'm just waiting to finalize the ceremony order so that can be updated, and there are a couple details I'm still playing around with.

All the invitations have been made and assembled. I printed out new envelopes for people whose addresses have changed in the last couple months. You can see in the picture that there are four envelopes that aren't sealed (b/c those addresses are still needing to be updated), but the rest of them have been double/triple-checked to make sure the names are correct.

Once we get the stamps, I'll pull Patrick in to help me. He doesn't know yet, but he'll find that out soon (wink, wink). We get to mail them in the next few weeks, but it's going to be hard for me to wait to send them once they're ready to go. Any bets on when they'll hit the mail?


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Red Solo Cup

I was watching Say Yes to the Dress tonight, and one of the brides went back to the store to select a different gown. She had second thoughts and decided that the dress she originally chose wasn't what she wanted. Watching that, I have to admit that I can absolutely understand how she was feeling: I had the same feeling of questioning/doubting my decision. I would see details on another dress and think "I should have chosen a dress with that." I've looked at the pictures from the day I found my dress MANY times, and that's helped to make me feel more confident. When the dress came in and I tried it on, and especially at the first fitting appointment, I knew that I made the right decision. I love it already and can't tell you how excited I am to try it on again - with the changes we've requested!

We had a fun day yesterday participating in the Idiotarod, a spin off of the Iditarod for charity. Our team dressed as red solo cups, and our theme song (and inspiration) was Toby Keith's 'Red Solo Cup.' We didn't win any prizes, but check out how well our costumes turned out:

 We definitely have fun friends!


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

We Ordered Our Sectional

We've made some progress in house updates lately. We finally had someone buy Patrick's couch from craigslist, and it was even sold for our asking price! Banks got the really comfortable couch that was in my loft, and we've moved my sofa/loveseat set into Patrick's living room. On Sunday, we wandered into Ashley Furniture... and we walked out a couple hours later - having purchased the sectional we had been looking at.

They said it would arrive in 4-6 weeks, but it will probably be quicker than that. Once we hear a more accurate update of when it will arrive, we'll focus on selling the microfiber set on craigslist.

We're also keeping an eye out for a recliner that would match the type of chocolate-colored Durablend leather of the couch. We tried to find a matching recliner from Ashley furniture, but unbelievable enough, they don't make a recliner that would fit Patrick in that same material! His long legs make it necessary to have a sturdy footrest that won't fall when he rests his legs on it. Combine that with wanting to find one that's comfortable, and that doesn't come easy!

I realized that the next few weekends are going to be crazy for us. This weekend is the Idiotarod (a goofy race in downtown Phoenix) and the Superbowl. Next weekend, Banks is having a housewarming party & we're going to see Star Wars in 3d (Patrick is VERY excited). The weekend after that, we're headed to Cleveland. Then, we run our half-marathon (my foot is finally feeling better!), and the weekend after that is our trip to St. Louis. I'm tired just typing all of that out. ;)

Our cake topper arrived in the mail yesterday, and it looks just like I had hoped. We'll be in touch with our chosen baker in the next day or so, and then the cake/cupcakes will be checked off the list.

We're headed out now to get supplies for our costumes for Saturday; pictures will quite possibly be posted soon after... Start getting excited!
