Monday, February 13, 2012

Playing Dress-up With Makeup

After work today, I headed to the mall with the intention to get some new makeup. Even though I know my cousin Katie said she'd try out some different looks when I go to St. Louis (in two and a half weeks), I couldn't wait! I had a girl at MAC give me some suggestions and try out some colors... This was my favorite:

I wound up getting a couple of the colors and plan on bringing them back to St. Louis in two and a half weeks to have Katie play around with them (and potentially other colors, too). Since I liked the way the MAC girl did the makeup, I'm looking forward to seeing what it'll look like once Katie does it and once we put on false eyelashes - should be even prettier! She may even have some better ideas. I still need to figure out what to do with my lips... I'll be the first to admit that they're thin, so I want them to stand out without drawing much attention. No dark lipstick for me. Hopefully Katie and my Aunt Connie will have some suggestions (if they're reading this: hint, hint)... ;)

- Lisa

1 comment:

  1. she did a great job. I love your eyes!!! I wish I knew how to apply makeup!
