Wednesday, February 29, 2012

91 Down, 91 to Go.

Today at lunch, I realized that i hadn't logged onto in a while to check off items on the 'to do' list. I felt so accomplished as I was checking off item after item. After I was finished with the completed items, it looked like this:

Yep; we've officially completed half of the items on the list: 91 down, 91 to go! All of the big things have been taken care of, and the remaining 91 tasks are little things or reminders to follow up (etc).

Not actual size of a game ball
Ever since last night, I've had the song that goes "All I do is win, win win, no matter what..." in my head, haha. We had our kickball championship last night, and for the fourth straight season, we won, and that song was played as soon as the championship game was over. We'll be taking the next season off from our Tuesday night games, so this was a great way to go out on top. Patrick did a great job pitching (he alternated innings with Will), and I had fun behind the plate. In the competitive leagues, the catcher runs out on the kicker's heels and is there to scoop up the ball on a bunt. From there, the catcher either throws it to 1st base, or (in most cases) quickly tips the ball up to the 3rd baseman or pitcher to be thrown to 1st. It was definitely a challenge, and I loved it because I got to be in the middle of the action (imagine that lol). We've signed up for a Friday night team, so we'll get to start playing with them next week.

Each day this week, I've come home to a present from the registry waiting for me. I could DEFINITELY get used to this! We leave for St. Louis on Friday, and since the trip is going to be such a whirlwind trip, I need to rest up. Off to bed for me!

- Lisa

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