Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Biggest Box Ever

Our favors came in the mail yesterday! They turned out fantastic, and I can't wait to hear what our guests have to say about them.

We got a GIGANTIC box in the mail today. Don't worry... We didn't open it, but I have to show a picture (with Chance as a size reference). Any guesses on what's inside... or anyone who wants to admit they sent it?! ;)

I've received a couple questions on if we've finalized the baker. Well, we're TRYING! I sent the 2nd baker (the one who's not been easy to work with but who has great-tasting cake) an email on Monday with my ideas for the cake & cupcakes. I asked for a quote and to make sure that she could carry out our ideas. I haven't heard back. She's been given a few chances so far, and if we still haven't heard by the time we get back from Cleveland, that'll be strike three & she'll be "O-U-D-T" = out.

The invitations are ready to go... complete with "L&P" stickers to help seal the envelopes. Knowing they're ready to be put in the mail makes me feel like this is really happening! Once they go out, it's REAL.

That makes me think back and get a little bit cheesy... Before I met Patrick, I always hoped - but also doubted - that I'd find the right guy for me. There are so many variables that have to work together for both people in couple, and I had no idea how it could match up perfectly. After going out with guys who didn't even get close to living up to the ideal guy I hoped I'd find, I often questioned if I was too independent and was meant to be single. That changed with my tall redhead. Since our first date, Patrick & my relationship has amazed me at how easy it has been. That might sound strange if you know the last few years for us. Don't get me wrong; we've definitely been through some of the toughest times I could imagine, but we've stood strong together and have been there for each other whenever we've needed. I'm so excited for that to continue and to see what our future holds...


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