Saturday, June 18, 2011

Meet Kelly, Lindsey & Kristen

I can officially say that I've added a three more girls to the bridal party, and they're representing cities all over the country. These girls are three of the strongest and most genuine people I've ever met. I always know that they'll have my back if needed, and I'm honored they're going to be standing up next to me!

Kelly - Maid of Honor. I got to know Kelly my first few years living in Phoenix. We are usually laughing when together & often find ourselves in some kind of mischief. She lives in Chicago, and we've been back and forth across the country numerous times over the years to see each other. One of the best adventures we've had together was our incredible cruise to Mexico; the picture to the left is of the two of us and the captain of the ship. Kel (and her boyfriend Brian) took a trip to St. Louis for my Hall of Fame Induction, and she was an incredible sport when I ended up in the emergency room with a torn achilles that Saturday - on her birthday. Kelly is just an amazing friend and person in general.

Lindsey - Matron of Honor. Lindsey is my cousin and only 5 days older than me; her mom was leaving the hospital with her when my mom was going in to have me. She would say that our relationship started our rocky - she claims that as a baby, I would bite. I question that story ;), but she and I have grown very close over the years, and she's become the closest person to being an biological sister that I've had. Lindsey and I have a running contest to see who can get each other the most obnoxious gift (jewelry, salt/pepper shakers, etc), so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears! She has always loved babies, so it's perfect that Lindsey is a nurse and works in the nursery of a hospital. She and her husband, Luke, live in St. Charles, MO (my hometown) and have two adorable sons: Logan (who's almost 2) & Gavin (4 months old).

Kristen - Bridesmaid. Kristen and I got to know each other really well while working for the Suns/Mercury and quickly became inseparable. We often share a sparkle in our eyes, and I love Kristen's feistiness; I know it'll always be a good time when she's around. Kristen moved to Denver, CO about 3 years ago, and (most recently) Kelly and I took a trip to visit her a few months ago. When the 3 of us get together, you'll usually hear a "BFF Rally" chant starting quietly and then getting louder and louder. Kristen and I had one of the best vacations ever at an all-inclusive resort in Puerta Vallarta, and we have had countless incredible memories over the years. I'm looking forward to getting Kristen's boyfriend (Greg) together with Kelly's boyfriend (Brian) AND Patrick; I think the three of them will get along great.

I won't give details of HOW I asked them to be part of the bridal party (that'll come later), but I'm very lucky to have them in my life and am so touched they've accepted! I love these girls.


1 comment:

  1. LOVELOVELOVELOVE this!!! Seriously, you are going to have the most incredible wedding ever and I think your wedding party is nothing sort of perfect (and gorgeous)! So excited for you and it's super-fun to be able to read how the planning is coming along! Can't wait to hear more and hear all about the dress shopping! :)
