Thursday, March 15, 2012

Catering Crisis: AVERTED

For dinner tonight, Patrick and I went for BBQ at the restaurant we'll be having as our caterer for our Rehearsal Dinner. We wanted to schedule a time with Ron, our contact, to come check out the backyard and figure out how the seating should be set up.

We walked in and didn't recognize any of the people working there - which was strange because it has been the same group each time we've gone there. We asked if Ron was around... The two girls working at the registers gave us blank looks (we soon found out this was only their 2nd day), and the guy cutting meat kind of stumbled through his answer. He said he was now in charge, and Ron had quit and was no longer with the company.

Our shocked faces probably said enough, and he hesitantly told us he could help out with whatever we needed. We explained that we'd been working with Ron to set up the catering for our rehearsal dinner on May 25th. His reaction: "Oh, um... I don't know anything about that. Wait, WE'RE doing the catering?!" Oh geez...

We also explained that Ron had taken all the information needed, including the colors of the linens and the plates/silverware. He stared blankly back at us and said, "Ron was going to do THAT? I don't know how to do any of that. I just know how to cook the food." My skin was starting to crawl a little bit...

It finally dawned on him that there needed to be another step, and he handed Patrick the company's business card... then he asked for Patrick's number so he could follow up tomorrow or Saturday - after he was able to call Ron to see if he could get some details to work with.

We got our food and were still kind of reeling from the shock that the caterer details we thought were set apparently were now non-existent.

After dinner and a couple phone calls to fill in our parents, we just tried to relax (ok, *I* just tried to relax... Patrick was calm) and realize everything was eventually going to work out. Patrick got a phone call around 9pm tonight from a number not saved on his phone.

The caller on the other line was Ron. Yes, the same Ron were were told was no longer with the company. He apologized profusely and said that the guy at the restaurant was a manager who needs a lot of help on customer service. He said the guy was also very incorrect in saying Ron wasn't with the company anymore... In reality, Ron had just moved to run the new Scottsdale location. To prove he was still on top of the details, Ron rattled off some of the details that had previously talked about, and he said he'd stop by on Sunday to see the backyard.

I feel a lot better knowing that he's back in the picture. Now, we just need to get all the details finalized and set in stone, then I'll feel fantastic. I think tonight must have just been a test to speed up our pulses, but I'd be great with not having any more tests like that!


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