Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Very Happy Fiance

Yep, Patrick has been in a great mood tonight.

We went to dinner tonight at the Cornish Pasty (the restaurant we went to on our first date - exactly two years ago). The food was really good, and Patrick even finished the meal with a glass of Jameson.

After we finished eating, we had some time to kill. Patrick had been wanting to go to a store called "Brew Your Own Brew" for a while now. They sell everything you could want/need to brew beer, wine, cider, etc.

Apparently, he has watched a few videos on how to brew your own hard apple cider over the last few days, and he had his heart set. I couldn't dash his excitement, so we left with a 1-gallon brewing kit. You should have seen the smile on Patrick's face - he was pumped.

From the store, we headed to a complimentary dance session at a dance studio a few blocks away. I had no idea what to expect from a free 45 minute session, but I feel like it was a good start for the basics of dancing. I have to say that the tiny Russian girl who led our lessons was a little bit too "touchy/feel-y." Don't get me wrong; nothing she did was over the line, but she liked to hold hands and link arms any time we were moving around the studio. It was just a little bit much for me.

I think that Patrick thought it was a little TOO basic, but I think it was a great start. I bought a Groupon yesterday for five dance classes, so from this point, we'll be able to work with one instructor (at a different studio). I'm excited, and even if we don't catch on enough to completely choreograph a dance, I really think we'll be able to feel confident for our first dance.

On the way home, we stopped at a grocery store to get apple cider for the brewing kit, and then Patrick's night got even better by getting a Shamrock Shake at McDonald's (his first in two years). Once home, we mixed up the cider and it's started the process of fermenting for 2-3 weeks until it forms hard apple cider.

Jameson + buying a home brewing kit + a Shamrock Shake + mixing up the start to hard apple cider + a celebration for two years of being together = happiness, and I like him being happy!


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