Thursday, March 22, 2012

Mixing Up Numbers & Pumpkin Bread

We got a package in the mail today from my grandparents, and it absolutely made my day. It was the gift I was hoping for the most... my countertop mixer!! The color is called "Imperial Black," the matte black option, and it's so pretty. My Grandma and Grandpa definitely went above and beyond, but I'm SOO thankful!

I had to open it and take it out, but I didn't use it. I'm still not sure if we're supposed to use the gifts we get, and all the wedding etiquette postings I find are giving contradicting answers. For now, I'll just look at it and smile.

The tough thing about not knowing tonight whether or not I should use it was that I made Patrick some pumpkin bread (using the recipe my grandma recently sent me), and I mixed it by hand. This was my first try at making pumpkin bread, and because I was scared it wasn't cooked throughout, I accidentally wound up making the crust a little bit too crispy. Fortunately, it still tastes good, and I learned for next time!

With Patrick in Tucson for the night, I've had a really productive evening. I put the final touches on the two personalized baby hangers that one of my friends ordered, and the glue should finish drying overnight. They turned out really cute.

I started working on the table numbers... but I haven't figured out what I'm going to as the next steps. I cut the numbers out of a lime green colored glitter cardstock (see some of the #'s in the picture), and the glitter is worked into the paper so it won't get everywhere. (That's right - I honored my fiance's request of avoiding anything glitter-covered b/c it would get everywhere... but I was still able to incorporate some sparkle lol). I'm not sure if I'll put the #'s on wire or a wooden dowel(s), on folded cardstock, in little picture frames or some other option, but I'm happy with how they look so far.

If anyone has any ideas of what to do with the numbers, or if you've seen an example picture that you think would be a great inspiration photo, let me know!


1 comment:

  1. I loved what we did for table numbers... we named the tables after years and then on each side was a picture of us, during that year. So- table 1984 had a picture of sean and I at age 8... or table 1978 had pictures of us at age 2. There are so many cute ideas out there for numbers. Picture frames are simple. Cardstock is easy. Pose your dogs with the table numbers. :)
