Friday, December 30, 2011

BBQ Decision & Browns Game

I'm going to rewind a little bit to a few weeks ago. Mr. Sweeney came out to visit, and we went to Texas BBQ House & Bobby Q's to do some BBQ tasting.

There's no arguing that Bobby Q's has really good food, but we had a unanimous winner...
The taste of the food, the personality of the restaurant (if there is such a thing) and the proximity to Patrick's house all contributed to the win. As long as they come back with the right information, prices and details, we'll have them as the caterer for our Rehearsal Dinner!

Over the weekend, we also went tailgating before- and attended the Browns/Cardinals football game. The seats were amazing, and although the weather was cold/rainy AND the Browns lost a heartbreaker, it was a really good game and I had a lot of fun.

The guys frying up some food

Alicia, Mal & Mandy TRYING to stay warm

A double rainbow!

View from our seats

I hope that everyone has a great New Year's weekend and enjoys the remaining day and a half of 2011.


Thursday, December 29, 2011

Alterations Planning

My dress is scheduled to arrive in the next couple weeks, so I decided it was time to figure out the seamstress to do my alterations. I was disappointed by the reviews of the seamstress that's a part of the shop where I bought my dress, so I ruled her out quickly.

I did some further research online tonight... I had planned on using the same lady that did Mandy's alterations - b/c she did an incredible job - but apparently the shop is closed! I tried calling, and the # is not in service. Then, I read that says that they closed their doors in June. Neeeeext!

The Knot has local message boards, and I read many reviews of people/companies that do alterations around the valley. One name kept popping up (b/c of her good reputation on quality of work and price), so I sent her an email to get the ball rolling. I'm hoping to have my first fitting when both moms are here in a month, so fingers are crossed that the date works. If not, they should be able to see the dress anyway!

It's crazy to think that I tried on the dress about 6 months ago, and we're so close to it being here.

I've received word that the main details for the bachelor/bachelorette trip to Vegas are coming together... and when I say that, I mean the date and the hotel. I've been kept out of the main conversation about details, but from what I heard yesterday, I'm now getting REALLY excited.


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

150 DAYS

We're under the 5 month mark now AND down to 150 days til the wedding!

I've been working on the wording for the ceremony, and I think that's going to be a much tougher task than I thought. There are so many variables and different ways it can be put together. I want to make it personalized and really special for the two of us, but also make it enjoyable/special for all the guests. I'm enjoying it and know it'll eventually come together. It'll probably wind up being fantastic, but as of now: it's a rough work in progress.

A draft for the programs is also in the works, so if anyone has unique requests/suggestions of things to include on there, let me know!


Friday, December 23, 2011

We'll Have Live Music!

Earlier this week, we met with Eily from Sweetwater Strings. She's the owner and one of the musicians... she was very nice, and is also Irish with red hair.

After taking time to think/talk it out, listen to song samples from various combinations of instruments and get some suggestions from Mr. Sweeney, we're going to have a guitarist and a violinist for the ceremony.

We're really excited about it and are almost halfway through figuring out the songs we want to be played. Patrick and I have a lot in common, but our tastes in music are definitely not identical! We both have come up with songs that the other isn't a fan of, so who knows which songs we'll end up with... It's a fun process though!

We'll have our DJ for the Cocktail Hour (or "Happy Hour" as Patrick wants it to be called) and the Reception, and going through the songs that will - or will not - sound good as instrumentals is helping us to get the list together for the DJ, too.

I'm pretty sure that the only big thing we need to check off the list is the baker. We've met with one already, and we have a tasting set up with a second option on January 5th. We should be able to decide which one we want to go with pretty quickly after that.


Ready for Christmas

We've spent the last couple evenings decorating our trees (yes, treeS - the dogs have one of their own) & Patrick's house. We had some luck finding red ornaments & tinsel garland tonight, so that added the final touches.

We'll be spending Christmas Day at Mandy and Mal's house, but this house is now officially ready for Santa. Merrrry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Decorations Meeting is Complete

We had our decorations meeting last night and got a LOT of the little details figured out. The lady we met with was Trish from Petals & Lucy, the florist who works very closely with Aldea. Even in the first few minutes that we met her, we could tell that she loves her job. She is so enthusiastic when it comes to flowers and decorations, and her energy level skyrockets as the brainstorming gets going. She gained huge points with me for saying she really liked my inspiration board.

The meeting consisted of going over everything from tablecloths to flowers and centerpieces to chair ties. Amazingly enough, Patrick even ok'ed the idea of including pink in multiple areas (!)... and he didn't faint while doing so.

Want a teaser of what some of the tables will look like? Ok, you twisted my arm:

One of the best parts: although overwhelmed, he was even smiling at the end of the meeting. Well, at least he was trying... ;) He's a great sport, and it proves again how lucky I am to have him.

After the meeting, we had a great dinner at Babbo's (our caterer). They were serving their weekly special of spaghetti and meatballs, and we also had the "Sweeney" salad. True, they haven't officially renamed it after our changes to their Mista salad, but we're still crossing our fingers that it'll happen if we order it enough!

Patrick is out of town tonight for work, but he'll be back tomorrow. After he gets back, we meet with a potential musician for the ceremony at 5. She offers a number of combinations when it comes to string instruments, and I'm looking forward to hearing what she has to say.

With the weather cooling down + the 20 pounds I've lost (which is still crazy to think about), my ring has gotten a bit too big. Instead of staying in place, it's started to twist so the diamond isn't at the top. I dropped it off to be resized tonight, and it's soooo weird to have nothing on my finger. I have a ring I'll wear temporarily at my house, but since I'm staying at Patrick's house with the dogs tonight, I've caught myself being startled and wondering where the ring is at least 10 times so far.

We're almost to the 5-month mark (6 days away) and to the 150-day mark (8 days away), and even in the last week, multiple people have told me how quickly the time will fly after the new year comes. It's already flying, and I do know it'll be here before I know it. I'm really excited for the next 5 months, and especially what comes after.


Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ceremony Shoes Are Finished

After this weekend, I've learned that the firepit is fantastic for sitting to relax and brainstorm ideas. Patrick and I sat out there for a few hours on Saturday and brainstormed/decided on ideas/details for the wedding. Even though there's a lot less glitter than I would prefer, I'm so thankful that he's wanted to be - and stayed - active in the planning. I knock on wood as I type this, but it's still been a really fun and easy process so far.

Reunion in t-minus 3 days...
He's out of town most of this week for work training and gets back on Thursday night. On Friday, Mr. Sweeney gets in town for the weekend. I'll be picking him up from the airport and bringing him to the kickball field where Patrick will probably be finishing the first (of 2) games... IF the rain calms down and goes away. We have a prime rib party to go to on Saturday, and most of the day Sunday will consist of tailgating and attending the Browns/Cardinals game. I've heard he's excited (and Patrick is, too) to try out a couple BBQ places.

Once Mr. Sweeney leaves town, we have a couple meetings early in the week. We have a meeting on Monday at Aldea to figure out the decorations and flowers. Then, we'll be meeting with the leader of a strings group on Wednesday to talk to her about providing live music for the ceremony. Those are two of the main things that we need to finalize. The main others are the officiant (wheels have been put in motion) and the cake/cupcakes (we've met with one baker and I'm working on setting up a tasting with the 2nd).

No more gap in the crystals!
Tonight, I finished my shoes! There was an area on each of the straps not covered in crystals b/c I had run out, and although the crystals had been waiting patiently in my purse, they'd gone untouched for a few months. Now, the shoes can be packed back in their box ready for the ceremony. I'll probably try again (tomorrow?) on the reception shoes - this time with the glue I used for the crystals; this one better not peel off!

- Lisa

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Satin Flower Hair Accessory

I mentioned in the last entry that I was going to play around with ideas for a flower to put in my hair. While Patrick was at the kickball field tonight (in the cold weather), I was warm and relaxing at home. I watched Beauty and the Beast and did my best to make a pretty flower out of white satin material & some feathers.

I've gone through a lot of pictures online to find my favorites, and this one was the leader - thus my project for the night:

Hobby Lobby had some teal-colored feathers that I liked more than the regular type of feathers and a wire/metal hair comb for the backside. This was attempt #2 (I made each petal individually from small circles of the satin - as compared to starting with one big circle and trying to separate the petals):

Not too shabby, if I say so myself! I really like it but am not completely sure that I'll wind up wearing it the day of the wedding (it'll depend on my hairstyle and if I find/make another option), but it's ready to go just in case. Any ideas for the next project I should work on??


Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jamaica, Here We Come...

Well, technically, here we come in a little less than 6 months... but we'll be there soon!

I'm so excited b/c we booked our Honeymoon today! Patrick called the travel agency, and we were able to take advantage of a couple of specials they were running (that end today). We're going to be staying at the Grande Riveria Sandals Resort in Ocho Rios, Jamaica. Ahhh!!

We'll be the first ones to admit that we realize that it's COMPLETELY over the top, but we're splurging and getting a room with a butler. "Jeeves," as Patrick is referring to him/her will be at our service for the week, and it's an experience that we'll probably never have again... Since our initial thought is to start talking about starting a family about a year after we get married, this isn't a trip we're going to be taking often (if EVER again), and since this is our honeymoon, we're going all out.

Wondering what Jeeves will do? From
 Before You Arrive, Your Butler Will:
  • Ensure your preferences are in-suite upon arrival
  • Arrange transfers
When You Arrive, Your Butler Will:
  • Provide you with all information regarding tours and spa services
  • Unpack your luggage
  • Provide a private orientation of the property
  • Press your first nights clothes complimentary
  • Provide you with a cell phone so you can keep in touch with each other throughout your stay
During Your Stay, Your Butler Will:
  • Make all dinner reservations, tour bookings, on property activities and spa treatments for you
  • Serve you your favorite drinks while you lounge on the beach or pool
  • Serve you lunch on the beach or on the pool
  • Liaise with housekeeping re servicing of your suite
  • Ensure that your suite is kept in perfect condition and arranged the way you like during your stay
  • Expedite all room service orders for you
  • Arrange a perfect romantic dinner for two in the privacy of your suite on or your patio. Unlike our competitors, our butler level guests can order from any resort restaurant menu for dining in their room or suite
  • Shine/clean your shoes for dinner
  • Tend to your wardrobe
  • Collect and return all laundry for you
Yesssssss. I think we'll get along really, really well. ;)

Here are some pictures of the resort, beach and type of room we should have:

Yep, I'm ready to go! In the meantime though, I put together my inspiration board for our decorations meeting (whenever that's going to happen). Ta daaaaaa:

This makes me want to find new projects to work on. I think the next one will be playing around with ideas for a flower for my hair, but we'll see. I'm headed to bed now with visions of sugarplums Jamaica and decorations dancing in my head...!


Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Firepit Looks HOT

We finished this weekend with potentially the biggest one-time progress so far. 20,000 pounds of rock was transferred and distributed into the backyard, eight (50-300 lb) boulders were brought into place, the wok bowl for the firepit was moved into place and the firepit was assembled. We even had our first fire! It's 45 degrees out, so I admit that I didn't last long outside, but we know it works!

Our friend Charpei came over this morning to help finish off the pile of rock, and we were able to get through it pretty quickly. She and I also raked/thatched the lawn, and it's now ready to be reseeded. Patrick's friend Aaron came over to help set up the firepit. He's the one who put together the plans for the backyard and has been amazing with helping with referrals/suggestions/etc. I'm happy to say that he took the LoveSac (the gigantic foam-filled bean bag) with him as a 'thank you' for all his help; his son is going to ADORE that thing. It was such a comfortable piece of furniture, but the living room looks much more spacious without the 6ft bag in the corner.

The firepit is definitely functional, but it's not to the point where Patrick is satisfied. He still wants to find a place that has large pieces of lava rock. Right now, the bowl is filled with 3 bags of sand covered by 3 bags of small lava rock. Once he gets the big lava rock pieces, the small pieces will be laid out to cover the sand, and the big rock will completely cover the metal ring. Apparently that'll make the fire dance more and it'll look more natural (as compared to seeing the places where the gas comes out of the metal ring).

Our massages were well-deserved, and we splurged and went to Delux Burger for dinner tonight. It's not the most healthy place (partly b/c we can't pass up their sweet potato fries), but I think we worked hard enough this weekend to burn the calories to make up for it.

As far as wedding stuff we accomplished this weekend, we've been working on tying up the loose ends we haven't finalized. We sent an email to set up a meeting with a member of the strings group (guitar/violin) for the ceremony, emailed the owner of Aldea to set up the decorations meeting (centerpieces, linens, flowers, etc) and we have a couple new ideas about an officiant for the wedding. Hopefully those ideas will be definite and revealed soon.

ALSO, it's probably a long shot, but I sent an email to the TV station TLC to apply for their show 'Four Weddings.' If you haven't heard of the show, it features four weddings (thus the name), and the other three brides attend as guests. They rate each others' weddings based on dress, venue, food and overall experience; then, the bride who has the highest score wins a free honeymoon trip. I read that they're searching for 2012 brides who are getting married in the Phoenix/Scottsdale area, so I thought I'd kick myself if I didn't at least reach out to the casting people. Someone on message boards said they're only looking for weddings until April 2012, so we'll see if I hear back and if they want to move us to the next step. My mindset is that if it's meant to be, it'll happen! If not, that's one less thing to stress about on the big day.

Overall, it was an amazingly productive weekend, and now it's time for me to relax.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Holy Exhausting (but Productive) Day

Here's the breakdown:

8:30am: Patrick decides it's time for me to WAKE UP. I tried the 'pretend to be sleeping' idea from yesterday... No luck; he didn't fall for it.

9:00am: We leave for ACE Hardware to get a wheelbarrow and another shovel. Necessary stop at QT to get coffee and a bite to eat for breakfast.

9:45am: Arrive at Patrick's house ready to move some rock. Patrick loads the rocks into the wheelbarrow and brought them to the backyard where I shovel/rake the rock into place.

The progress at lunchtime
1:35pm: With tired muscles, we decide it's time to take a break for lunch.We escape to Gallagher's for their awesome baked buffalo wings.

2:45pm: Return to work. Reassume the same positions in front- and back yard.

4:00pm: Finish covering the backyard with rock... only to realize we have a lot of rock left. Time to re-distribute the rock on layer 2 (and eventually 3).

5:20pm: Sun sets and it starts to get dark. We move three of the boulders to the backyard using a dolly and a lot of determination ;). With the deep layers of rock, that definitely wasn't an easy task b/c the wheels sunk in much more then we expected. I tell Patrick I'm really close to being done.

The backyard at the end of the day
5:45pm: I'm FINISHED - mentally and physically. We sat down on a couple of the boulders, and I admit to Patrick that I'm so exhausted that I felt like I could just start crying for no reason. He laughs. I assure him I'm not joking. He smartly stops laughing. I give him a kiss for understanding.

6:05pm: We call to order Chinese food b/c it was the only thing we can think of (other than pizza) that would deliver - and not make us move from the couch.

6:55pm: Chinese food arrives... finally. Sooo good.

7:30pm: After Patrick takes a shower, I decide I want to take a hot bath to help my muscles. It feels fantastic.

7:45pm: We agree that we deserve to go get massages after we finish putting out the rock tomorrow (!!!).

Now: Time to relax. We just put in the new Smurfs movie, and even though I got it (and another movie) from redbox yesterday, not having to leave the house is definitely worth the couple dollars for another night's rental.


I tried to take a picture of the latest (small) pile of rock, but it was dark and raining by the time I got outside. I'll take a picture tomorrow when it's light out.

Patrick was incredible; I realize he probably had the tougher job (I helped him load the wheelbarrow from time to time, so I know it was tiring). Today, more than ever, I realize how lucky I am to have him. He loves me for me, accepts - and gets along really well with - my friends/family, brings out the best in me and is an incredible partner in any challenge/project we face. I know for a fact that not everyone is as lucky. Even though my muscles might be sore tonight, I'll sleep well just knowing that.


Friday, December 2, 2011

Rocks, BBQ Research & Microwave Success

Last night, we started our research for the BBQ for the rehearsal dinner. BBQ #1 was a new place near Patrick's house, Texas BBQ House. It may be a winner! The food was awesome, and we were really impressed at the level of customer service we got. As we were standing in front of the counter reading the menu board, one of the workers noticed us, laughed, asked if it was our first visit and gave us samples of their "moist brisket."

Halfway into our meal. Note the "plates" and "tray"
We asked a couple questions about their catering, and over the next few minutes, the owner came out and gave us samples of their turkey, pork loin, cutters choice brisket, creamed corn and beans. Sooo good. We ordered some of the cutters choice brisket, pork loin, a jalapeno sausage and cole slaw. I would be great with getting them as our caterer, but I think it'd still be fun to try out some other restaurants - for research's sake, of course!

The microwave is now up and running! Patrick thinks I'm ridiculous for being so excited about the two shelves (note: I found the 2nd shelf for $2 - brand new), but it looks really impressive if you ask me!

This weekend is going to result in some sore muscles b/c Patrick had the rock for the backyard delivered today. There's a huge pile of little rocks and a few  boulders on his driveway just waiting to be distributed. Do you think he'd catch on if I pretended to be sleeping as he works on putting out the rock? No, I don't think so either ;)


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Figured That One Out Quick

After an evening full of crafts with my friend Rachael, I found a solution for the placecards! Michael's Craft Stores apparently carry thick foam sheets in black and white; I thought the black would look the best and wanted to try out my vision. I think the idea's a keeper:

Because I randomly chose Melissa's name, I'm giving my favorite Irish lass (I think that's what girls are called) a shoutout - I can't wait to see her! 

Also, on a similar note, I found out today that my dad's coming out to Phoenix when my mom and Patrick's parents are visiting in late January. He was keeping it a secret - that punk ;). I'm very happy he decided to join us!

This is my artsy shot from above. Can you recognize any names?:


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pinetop & Placecards

This weekend, we had a great getaway for Patrick's birthday. We drove a few hours to Pinetop, a little town about 3 hours northeast of Phoenix. The weather was much cooler than what we're used to (37-50ish degrees), and we were able to just relax most of the time there. The exception of the relaxation was us going for a 3-mile jog; I forgot how much harder it is to run in the cold, and the fact that we were at a much higher elevation didn't help either!

It really was nice to get a change of scenery where we didn't have to think about anything but just being with each other & the dogs. Crazy to think about, but coming back from Pinetop, Patrick is now 31, and we're under 6 months until the wedding!

While Patrick was driving on the way home, I was playing around with my idea for the placecards... You can see the names I've made so far to the right. I still don't know what the next step for them will be, but turning the ends of the wire to make the names stand up on their own is my leading idea.

I've also thought about making a frame out of cardstock, hanging them on a shepherd's hook made of wire, making them stand up on a base of some type (wood/clay/foam/foamboard)... I have no idea, but for now I'll just keep making names and playing around with ideas! I love the thought that some people might take it home as something they'd want to keep.

Thanksgiving made me realize how much is going RIGHT in my life, and I hope everyone is able to step back and think of the good things in your life, too.


Thursday, November 24, 2011

Check Out the Shirts & Ties

Please forgive the bad lighting of the pic!
The original plan for the groomsmen was to have the teal/blue shirts with matching ties, but I think we've actually decided on striped ties! We ordered a solid turquoise tie and then a striped tie with turquoise and a silver color (online) to see what they look like, and you can check it out for yourself in the picture.

Banks came over tonight, and both he and Patrick liked this look more than the solid ties. They brought up a good point that the silver will help compliment the charcoal suits, and the more I looked & thought about it, the more I like it, too. Even though I kept suggesting fuchsia in the ties somehow, they repeated shot me down. Dang ;). At least I'll be able to tie in the pink in the flower on their boutonnieres!

For Patrick's tie, I think it'd be great if we could find a tone-on-tone, white, striped tie with stripes similar in size to this tie, but who knows what we'll find.

I'm pumped b/c it's only Wednesday, and I'm off work until Monday... and there are a lot of things to celebrate. Tomorrow (Thursday) is Thanksgiving, and we're going to Kate/Ryan's house for dinner. Friday is Patrick's 31st birthday, and we're headed to Pinetop for the weekend. We found a cute cabin that was available (it was very hard to find one available for the holiday weekend), and we're even able to bring the dogs with us. THEN, Saturday is six months until our wedding (!!).

I've said that the six month point is the time where I get really serious about getting in shape, losing weight and toning up, so (knowing that was coming up this weekend) I've had some of my favorite foods - including Reeses Peanut Butter Cups and McDonalds fries - for the first (and last) time in months.

The training for our half-marathon has actually been going well. We have one long run each week, and we finished 6 miles on Saturday. That was the longest run that I've ever done at one time (without having the running happening through a sport). I noticed - and Patrick pointed out afterward - that my breathing stayed steady almost the whole time, and I was able to jog the first 3 miles, walk a little bit and then jog the 2nd three miles. The second half was about 2 minutes quicker than the first half, so that's a really good sign! I'm still not to the point that I think running is fun, but I have to admit it's feeling a little easier.

Our team: Chuck Norris and the Roundhouse Kickers
We won our 3rd kickball championship in a row with our Tuesday night team last night! Patrick did a great job pitching, and I had to step outside of my comfort zone as the shortshop... I played catcher and did my best to field the bunts. It's a tough spot when the other teams are bunting almost every time, but we won and I learned a lot about the position. Good times.

Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
- Lisa

Monday, November 21, 2011

'Before' and 'After' Pictures

If you're tired of house renovation updates, I'm sorry... This has just been taking up most of our time lately, so I had to at least put a few entries. This will hopefully be the last kitchen update for a while... Back to wedding updates after this ;). Now to the 'Before' and 'After' comparisons:

Flooded kitchen with old white appliances and old countertops:

Old white appliances with new granite countertops:

New black appliances with new granite countertops (the microwave still needs to be installed, and the pantry doorknob is now brushed nickel):

I love it. My favorite update from the weekend (probably because I've been used to my awesome refrigerator for the last couple years) is the stove. We found it on Craigslist for under 50% of the regular price. It's only 2 months old and has never been used. The burners are spotless and the cast iron burner covers that cover the entire top of the stove are pretty hardcore.                                                                                                                                 Workers actually came in the day of the garage sale to clean the tile and grout, and any of the tile that had been damaged through the work on the house has been repaired. There's still a small list of things that need to be touched up by the contractors/workers, but it's almost finished!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Got the Groomsmen's Shirts

Our weekend has been really productive. We did a whole workday's worth of work on Saturday getting appliances for the kitchen. After 8+ hours, we finished the day with a fridge (moved that one to my house - and moved my fridge to Patrick's), a microwave and a brand new 4-burner gas stove with cast iron burner covers.

The fridge is all hooked up with the water working, the stove has been connected and tested for leaks (nothing to worry about) and the microwave just needs a couple screws from Home Depot in order to install it. The change in the aesthetics of the kitchen is amazing. I'm going to keep you waiting for a good picture b/c I haven't taken a good one yet. Trust me though; it's great.

Today, we got the final sizes from the groomsmen and were planning on getting their shirts at Steinmart b/c Patrick found some really nice shirts in a color a little lighter than the bridesmaid dresses. The color combo looked sharp, but I suggested we check out JC Penney's in the same shopping center first - just to make sure there wasn't a better option available. Amazingly enough: we found a shirt that's almost identical to the 'malibu' color of the dresses. The store's lights made the colors look a little different but it was the closest we'd seen, and we agreed to get them. Once we were outside, the natural sunlight made the colors look as close as possible. SCORE! We had to go to another JC Penney's to get a couple other sizes, but the guys' shirts can now be checked off the list.

Just an idea
After the shirts, we went into a furniture store to get some ideas for the living room. We found one option that we really like... We haven't bought it, but this is the front runner so far. We'd trying to find a couch with a chaise & ottoman; if it's possible to move the chaise to either side: even better. Patrick would like a recliner if there's room, so that's on the list as a possibility too.

I've started playing around with ideas for the placecards for the wedding, and I have a fun, unique idea involving making the names individually out of wire. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to do that, so the idea hasn't been finalized yet. I love my new projects.

Ok, it's getting late and even though we have a short workweek, the morning's going to come quick. Night!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Is Something Missing...?

That's right... THE APPLIANCES SOLD TODAY! It took a lot longer to remove them than I ever thought - and the fridge had to have its doors removed to get out the front door - but they're gone!

When the guy texted Patrick last night saying, "Can I come by tomorrow to pick them up?" he looked at me and said, "Get online... look for new appliances!" We both had a moment of thinking, "YIKES!! This is really happening!"

When the sale was a sure thing, we moved everything from the freezer to the mini-fridge (that actually freezes everything b/c the thermostat is broken), and brought the fridge's contents over to my house. It's been fast and furious, but we've made arrangements to see a new refrigerator, gas stove and microwave tomorrow morning. The U-Haul trailer will be ready to be picked up at 7am. We're definitely getting a fridge first (saw that one before Patrick's kickball games tonight and committed to buying it), and are then heading to see a microwave and a 2-month old (never been used) gas stove.

I'm hoping it all works out, but ::knock-on-wood:: the prospects look great so far. Without getting too excited, this is really exciting! ;)


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Countertopless No More

That title makes me laugh for some reason, but I wanted to put a few pictures up... NOW THAT WE HAVE COUNTERTOPS!

Close-up of the granite
The granite looks sooo good; there are flecks throughout that really catch the light and actually kind of sparkle. Patrick saw the beginning of the installation, and he really liked it; I can't wait for him to get back to his house and see the finished product. In the meantime, every window in the house is open (and every fan is on) b/c the fumes from the caulk are ridiculously strong. Whew.

Hopefully the kitchen will continue to change in the next week or so - b/c we've posted the white appliances for sale on Craigslist. There's a guy who's interested in the set who should be coming this weekend to check them out. Cross your fingers!

We're planning on using the $ we made in the garage sale (which was a huge success) and the $ we make on these appliances to go towrds replacing the white appliances with black appliances (the dishwasher Patrick bought a few months ago is black). We'll probably move my black, french-door, bottom-freezer refrigerator to Patrick's house and get a simple, not-expensive black refrigerator for my house since I'll be renting it out.

We've also posted all of our couches for sale and have had some bites; just waiting for the right person who wants to get them at the right price! We're also working on the little details: ex. switching out the gold doorknobs with silver ones.

The plumber is here right now installing the sink's faucet and garbage disposal. The carpet is being installed tomorrow, and I can confidently say that it feels like the house is finally coming together. HALLELUJAH!!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

200 DAYS

It seems like I JUST posted "250 DAYS" entry; these last 50 days have flown by!

Over the weekend, Patrick and I spent a few hours reseeding the front yard and working on the backyard. Patrick mowed the grass short while I worked on pulling out all the weeds around the dirt area (partially thanks to Target's clearance section and their reduced-price $1.48 gardening tools!). Patrick actually had to cut down the big tumbleweed-ish weed to the right with a saw, but the rest of the pile was the amount I destroyed!

Last night, he finished reseeding the backyard. Now that the weather is cooling off, I'm hoping we can really start to make a dent in the backyard landscaping progress, and hopefully the inside of the house will be finished with the renovations ASAP. It's been a slower process than we'd hoped, but it's slowly getting there.


Monday, November 7, 2011

The Dress is Officially Mine

Ever since I chose my dress, I've been teasing Patrick and telling him it's a short, pink sequined dress...haha.

Instead of just paying for the dress in one payment, I had decided to pay for it monthly from the $ I got from my Grandma (when she passed away). This weekend, I made the final payment on my dress, so it's officially mine!

The dress is scheduled to come in at some point in mid-January, so I still have a couple months until I can see the actual dress and try it on. It'll be different from the sample I tried on: the sample was 2 sizes too small and was in a different color, so I'm VERY excited to see how it looks in the right size and color when it comes in.

I wonder if my grandma would approve of pink sequins... ;)
